Squarespace Power Hour:
Your Personal Consultation Awaits!

Two women standing facing each other discussing work. One is holding a closed laptop and the other a folder of design concepts.

The Power Hour consultation call is for online service providers who crave clarity and want to get their Squarespace questions answered, fast.

Let me guess…

  • You’re unsure of the best way to use Squarespace for your business or if what you want to do is even possible.

  • Hiring a professional to help you build or update your website is out of budget, but you’re still craving that expert advice.

  • You’ve tried half a dozen ways to figure out how to do something in Squarespace (set up SEO, design a page, edit images, set up a blog, etc.), but now you’re frustrated and could use some dedicated help.

  • You’re tired of searching for answers to your questions on YouTube, Facebook, Google.

Woman with long blonde hair wearing a white button down and blue jeans sitting cross legged on a modern cream colored couch working on her laptop.

The clarity you crave is closer than you think!

Long story short? You just want someone you can trust to tell you exactly how to address your issue, and then you’ll be ready to take the wheel. The most impactful move you can make is to get clarity on effectively working with Squarespace so you can move forward confidently — and that’s exactly what the Power Hour is for!

Meg Desjarlais, founder of Floating Lotus Design, LLC. She is leaning against a brick wall painted with a harbor mural. She is wearing a denim jacket, black top and black pants.

Hi, I’m Meg!

As a Squarespace web designer and lover of tech, I help my clients overcome their worries and fears with patience and the ability to explain complicated topics in “regular person” speak.

From design strategy to SEO to the “Can I do this with Squarespace?” questions, I’ve supported my clients through the confusion and overwhelm so they can confidently move forward.

I created my Power Hour Consultation Call for online service providers and Squarespace novices who crave immediate clarity regarding the nagging questions they can’t seem to get an answer to and want expert guidance to help resolve their issues quickly.

Macbook laptop, ipad and eyeglasses on top of a white table. There is a couch in the background with a brown briefcase on it.

I’ve helped my clients…

  • Go from not knowing how to make changes in their Squarespace website and being very nervous about it to feeling relieved and empowered to do it on their own.

  • Transition from being totally confused by SEO to being ready to implement an SEO strategy with confidence.

  • Feel more excited about what they can do with Squarespace for their business.

  • Get clarity on their biggest web design struggles.

And I would love to do the same for you!

Meg's Power Hour was the perfect solution for me!

“I used Squarespace while I was a small business owner, but it had been over a year since I retired.  Recently, I started volunteering with a nonprofit organization and offered to develop a website using Squarespace.  I needed a refresher about a few things. I wanted to make sure Squarespace was compatible with some platforms that the organization utilized and needed to have on the new website.  I also wanted to explore my options for transferring the existing domain or selecting a new one.  We had a little bit of time left over and even discussed the best template for me to use.  Meg's Power Hour was the perfect solution for me! ”

— Stephanie Fowler, Volunteer & Retired Teacher

What Can We Cover in One Hour?

Two women sitting at a wood table working. One has a cup of coffee and a notebook, the other is typing on her laptop. Ther is also an ipad resting on the table.

Here are just some of the things we can cover together:

  • Audit your existing website.

  • Basic Squarespace functions (“How do I do X?”).

  • Learn how to be the Admin of your site (“What do all those menus and settings mean?”)

  • Basic SEO setup, review, and updates.

  • Figure out if you can connect your email provider, scheduling, online class software, etc., to Squarespace.

  • Review your business model and if Squarespace is right for you.

  • Get guidance on your overall design strategy.

The Finer Details…

Two women at a  table working with coffee and an open laptop.

Here’s what’s included:

  • One-hour video consultation call

  • A recording of the video call to refer back to

  • Links to any resources discussed during the call that may benefit you.

  • Typically, you are not required to do any pre-work. However, if your specific topic requires it, I will notify you of what I need prior to our call.


I only book 2-4 Power Hours per month. I am currently booking approximately one to two weeks in advance. Some evening appointments are available.

Investment: $150

Interested? Here’s How it works…

  • Step 1: You submit a request form using the button below and tell me what you’d like to ask me during your power hour.

  • Step 2: I’ll review your request, and if I believe I can help, I’ll send you a packet with information to book and pay for your hour.

  • Note: I review your request first because while I know a lot, I don’t profess to know everything! So, if I’m not the best resource for you, I’m not going to waste your valuable time and $$. I’d rather direct you to the best resources.

What I bring to the table…

Meg Desjarlais, founder of Floating Lotus Design, sitting in a cozy office with her laptop. She has short red hair and is wearing a navy blue top with a multi-color beaded necklace.

With years of experience building online businesses with Squarespace, I'm uniquely positioned to guide you on everything from design, to maintenance, to what software programs work well with Squarespace (e.g., email providers, CRMs, course platforms, online classes, and video libraries/memberships) and best fit your business model and budget.

I’m constantly honing my skills with SEO Optimization, so I can share up-to-date strategies and knowledge with my clients, and I am listed as one of the Top 13 Squarespace SEO Experts by SEOSpace, the leading expert in Squarespace SEO.

Integrity is core to my work, not an afterthought. I have a strict no-BS policy, and if, for some reason, I don’t have the expertise for your specific problem, I will tell you and try to find someone who does. I will never pretend to know something I don’t!

Why wait? Clarity is only an hour away!

Submit your Power Hour request form today, and let’s get started!