Banner of the Home Page of Reiki Healing website Society

The Reiki Healing Society is located in Trinidad, CA, and was founded in 2020 by Carrie Varela. Here, Carrie offers both in-person and online traditional/authentic Japanese Reiki courses & treatments, along with Yoga classes. She also has an online store offering reiki-inspired products.

Why she chose to hire a professional

Carrie successfully launched her website on her own in 2020, but after a few years, she knew it could be improved upon and wanted help
to update the site to match her brand better and position it for increased visibility and growth for her business.

The scope of the project consisted of:

  • Update branding (logo, colors, fonts)

  • Refresh key pages of the site and add a new resource page

  • Implementing SEO basic setup & best practices implemented

To achieve this, we settled on a package of services:

  • Brand Basics Bundle

  • 2 VIP Design Days

Branding Update

Carrie expressed a desire to update her brand to better reflect the traditional Japanese elements of Reiki along with the nature of the area of the Pacific Northwest where she resides and practices.

I started by updating the color palette and fonts.

Color Palette

Her website's original color palette (shown below) was earthy but vibrant. She liked the green and brown aspect and wanted to have something, but wanted something more in keeping with the coastal locale, the redwood forests, as well as the Japanese inspired elements.

Original Color Palette of Reiki Healing Society website

Using those as inspiration, I developed a mood board with images evoking these ideals and, from there, two color palettes. The final color palette, shown below, pulls from those images to incorporate colors found in the redwood forests and the ocean, all while elevating the colors she already liked.

Mood Board for Reiki Healing Society Website
New color palette for Reiki Healing Society website

Logo & Fonts

Carrie had two versions of a logo for RHS already. She liked and wanted to use both of them, but she was no longer in love with them. There were some tweaks she wanted.

Primarily, she wanted to change the style of branches and leaves on the tree element to look more like a redwood tree, and then update the colors to align with the new palette.

In addition to the logo icon, the font needed updating as well.

My goal was to choose a font pairing that would work well for her logo but also translate nicely to her website. The original fonts were clean sans serif style but did not have that unique touch that would better evoke her desire for a style that captured a vintage yet Japanese feel.

I chose Halyard Micro because it brings a bit of that Japanese feel with slight angles and points in the letters.  However, it remains easy to read! It's unique because it feels vintage yet with a modern touch at the same time. 

I chose Aktiv Grotesk for the body fonts because it's crisp, clean, and easy to read and does not distract from the heading font.

Reiki Healing Society Logos Before and After

The Website

VIP Design Day 1 - Design Refresh:

This project's scope was not to update every page on the website. Rather, during our first Design Day, we focused on updating the most important customer-facing pages and adding a Resources page. Carried could then update other pages as needed since she was comfortable working in Squarespace.

Those pages included:

  • Home Page

  • About Page

  • Reiki Courses

  • Yoga Classes

  • New Resources Page

The header and footer of the website were updated as well.

The Design:

The main goal of the refreshed design was to improve the flow of information on the pages, allowing customers/clients to move intuitively through the information.

We also wanted to achieve mobile responsiveness so that users on mobile devices could easily navigate and read the information they need.

Using the new color palette and images to create a cohesive design incorporating more of the nature and Japanese elements so integral to Carrie’s brand was no less important.

I simplified by removing unnecessary or redundant elements, tightening up the copy if needed, streamlining the header navigation, and updating the footer to tie it all together from top to bottom of the page(s).

We also added a section on the homepage to showcase the podcast she hosts. The beauty of this is that this section can be incorporated anywhere on her website if she desires.

Elements used to achieve the design:

  • Consistent background color to keep the eye from being distracted.

  • Used dividers between sections to break up content as needed. A simple fine-line wave style plays on the ocean wave element.

  • Intentional bolding or underlining of text highlights key points and allows for skimming.

  • Used different images for each service/course so they would stand out and grouped them together to make scrolling and finding information about them was easier.

Below, you can see the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ of two of the major pages to see the changes made. Hover over the images to scroll!



scrolling image of before version of the reiki healing society home page


scrolling mockup of new reiki healing society homepage


scrolling before image of learn reiki page


scrolling after image of learn reiki page

VIP Design Day 2 - SEO!

The second VIP day was devoted to all things SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As is the case with many website DIY-ers, they know SEO is important, but it can be mysterious/overwhelming to understand how to implement it properly.

Every page on the site was in scope (except e-commerce store pages) for an SEO review and updates.

Here’s how I tackled this!

SEO Review/Update Steps:

  • Manually reviewed the existing settings/data for every page

  • Ran a scan of those pages using the SEOSpace plugin (affiliate link)

    • confirmed what my manual review found

    • highlighted any other issues I needed to address

    • got a ‘starting score’ for each page

  • Updated/created SEO Titles and Page descriptions

  • Updated links to external sites to open in a new tab

  • Resized images and add alt-text as needed

  • Re-mapped URLs as needed

  • Ensured pages utilized proper use of heading hierarchy and length.

  • Ran another scan using SEOSpace and was able to show an increase of over 50% on average in the page scores.

At the end of the day, I provided Carrie with a video and report showing the before and after for SEO and all the details of what was updated or implemented. I also provided her with next-step resources so she could submit her site to Google Search Console for indexing, along with other educational resources for SEO that she can use in the future.

The Final Result

At the close of this project, Carrie had a logo and website that truly reflected her vision for the Reiki Healing Society through color, fonts, and imagery.

Visitors to her site have an intuitive and cohesive experience that flows easily and is pleasing to the eye whether they are on a desktop or mobile device.

Finally, she is positioned for improved SEO and is empowered to continue making updates on her own as her business grows and evolves.

 I am inspired by the changes you made, a lot less overwhelmed and just generally feel like my website is working for me so much more than it was before.  Plus it looks gorgeous!  Thank you so much!!! - Carrie

I love working with clients who have a strong vision and clarity about their business, like Carrie.

It was a pleasure helping bring her vision for the Reiki Healing Society forward and showing her what is possible in the future too!

Like what you see? What to Know More?

If you’re thinking about building a website from scratch or re-designing an existing site, I’d love to be of service. Please visit my services page to see how we could work together and book a free consultation call!

Megan Desjarlais

Meg Desjarlais, the Founder of Floating Lotus Design, is a Squarespace web designer & SEO specialist for women service providers who want a website that reflects their brand and business vision but lack the time, desire, or skills to do it themselves. Drawing upon her mindfulness training, she guides them from feeling lost and frustrated to owning an easy-to-maintain website that balances beauty and function. This transformation allows them to proudly share their online home, attract more dream clients, and replace website worries with more time to focus on the work they love.

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