Website Basics, Recommendations, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais Website Basics, Recommendations, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais

Why I Recommend Squarespace for Wellness Business Websites

When it comes to building a website for your small business, there are a ton of platforms available to design and build your wellness website. Many of them are great, and it's hard to go wrong, but I firmly believe that Squarespace stands out.

It’s the platform I use for my yoga business website and my experience with it first as a DIY-er years ago, and now as a professional freelance web designer, is why I believe so strongly that it’s a great platform for your wellness business too. 

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Website Basics, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais Website Basics, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais

3 Key Things to Know Before Creating a Website for Your Wellness Business

Creating a website is commonly one of the first things that come to mind when launching a business. But too often folks jump into creating a website or hiring a professional to do it for them without thinking through a few key things first. And unfortunately, this can not only lead to wasted time and money but also to a website that:

- Doesn't meet your business needs

- Is built on a platform that you don't know how to use, or

- Requires more time and/or money than you have to maintain it.

However, it is possible to avoid these issues with just a little homework upfront.

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