Recommendations, Business Tips, Reviews, Favorites, Tools Megan Desjarlais Recommendations, Business Tips, Reviews, Favorites, Tools Megan Desjarlais

Get Legal Templates Hassle-Free Today with These 2 Providers

If you're a small business owner, solopreneur, or wellness entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out what legal policies you need to protect your business or website. Here are two hassle-free resources for DIY Legal Templates that won't break the bank but will give you peace of mind.

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Squarespace 7.1 Update: How to Align Content Blocks Effortlessly

Squarespace released a minor update in the Fluid Engine editor that allows you to align multiple blocks of content with the click of a button. It may not sound like much, but it's a small change with a big impact that makes designing much easier and quicker.

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Website Basics, Business Tips, Tutorials Megan Desjarlais Website Basics, Business Tips, Tutorials Megan Desjarlais

How To Set Up a URL Redirect in Squarespace in Under 5 Minutes

Making sure your content points to the correct place and not to an error page is key to maintaining a positive experience for your visitors, and also for search engines to look favorably upon your website from an SEO perspective. Fortunately, mapping URLs using 301 and 302 redirect commands is incredibly easy in Squarespace.

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Website Basics, Recommendations, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais Website Basics, Recommendations, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais

Is the Squarespace Business Plan the Best Choice for Your Wellness Business?

A complete rundown of the Squarespace Business and Commerce plans including features, pricing, and benefits to help you find the best plan for your wellness business. Highlights of things to consider and recommendations for businesses just getting started and looking for guidance.

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Website Basics, Recommendations, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais Website Basics, Recommendations, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais

Why I Recommend Squarespace for Wellness Business Websites

When it comes to building a website for your small business, there are a ton of platforms available to design and build your wellness website. Many of them are great, and it's hard to go wrong, but I firmly believe that Squarespace stands out.

It’s the platform I use for my yoga business website and my experience with it first as a DIY-er years ago, and now as a professional freelance web designer, is why I believe so strongly that it’s a great platform for your wellness business too. 

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Website Basics, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais Website Basics, Business Tips Megan Desjarlais

3 Key Things to Know Before Creating a Website for Your Wellness Business

Creating a website is commonly one of the first things that come to mind when launching a business. But too often folks jump into creating a website or hiring a professional to do it for them without thinking through a few key things first. And unfortunately, this can not only lead to wasted time and money but also to a website that:

- Doesn't meet your business needs

- Is built on a platform that you don't know how to use, or

- Requires more time and/or money than you have to maintain it.

However, it is possible to avoid these issues with just a little homework upfront.

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