Easily Create a Squarespace 7.1 Blog Post Template (How To Guide)

Try this simple hack and save precious time and energy. 

Are you tired of spending hours creating your blog posts? Do you find it tedious and repetitive? If so, you’re in the right place!

I'm going to show you how to stop reinventing the wheel in your blogging process by creating a blog post template in Squarespace 7.1.

What’s Your Current Blogging Process Look Like?

If you use blogging as a strategy for reaching out to current or potential clients, you probably have a consistent schedule for creating and publishing content. Once per week or more, maybe twice a month? 

Regardless of your cadence, you know it takes a lot of time and energy.

You must research the topic, develop an outline, write and edit the blog post, source images, etc. 

Perhaps, as you have grown during your blogging experience, you've come up with ways to streamline that process to make it faster and easier for you. Maybe you've even started to explore using AI to help you with some of that, like outlining or searching for keywords. Or, maybe you outsource some of your processes to someone else.

Whether you do it yourself or share the workload, the final step is always uploading the final blog post to your website and publishing it. 

Let me ask you a few questions.

In a typical blog post, do you:

  • Share images or videos?

  • Have a place for people to join your newsletter/email? 

  • Share services or products?

  • Provide links to other blog posts or relevant content?

  • Have an “About the Author” blurb somewhere in the post?


  • Are you starting from scratch with a blank blog post page each time you go to publish?

If you said ‘yes’ to any of those questions, but especially the last one, that's extra time you're spending recreating that content!


It’s tedious. It’s not fun. You’ve surely got other things you’d rather spend your time doing, right? Let’s change that right now!

Reclaim your time with a blog post template

I’ll show you how to create a blog page template in your Squarespace website, so you can structure your standard layout and content to reuse over and over again. 

Important note: In this article, I’m only hitting the highlights of the tutorial down below, no images. If you’ve been blogging in Squarespace for a bit, this is likely all you need, but this content and demo are truly best viewed in the companion YouTube Video. 

Skip ahead to the 3:14 minute mark to pick up the demonstration!


How to Create a Blog Post Template

Step 1:

Create a new blog post and name it ‘Blog Post Template’ or whatever title makes sense to you, but be sure it says ‘Template’ somewhere!

Step 2:

Populate the template with the typical layout and content you use.

  • Place image (or video) blocks in the areas you normally include them.

  • Format and style them to your liking

  • Create placeholders for your text content.  Tip: Outline your post using header and body text fonts accordingly can help you with SEO structuring - H2s before H3s, etc. 

Step 3:

Add in any additional standard content you use, such as:

  • Freebie download/Newsletter/Email Sign-up

  • A summary block to highlight relevant blog posts or content.

  • Links to a service or product offer.

  • An “about the author” blurb.

Step 4:

Save your template and keep it in DRAFT mode.

Pro tip: Have more than one type of blog post or standard content? For example, do you post recipes in addition to regular long-form blog posts? Create a template for each!

Using your new blog template

Now that your template is created, it’s time to use it.

When you’re ready to upload your next blog post, simply create a copy of your template post and update the content. Feel free to tweak anything that you need or want for the individual post. Remember it’s a template designed to save time, not corner you into a strict set of layout or design rules!

Before publishing your post, make sure you have updated the blog post settings to ensure they are correct (URL, feature image, categories & tags, etc.).

Then you can schedule or publish your post and be on your way!

Final Thoughts

Creating a blog post template is time well spent to streamline your blogging process, saving you valuable time and energy.

And if you are lucky enough to have someone else handling the uploading and publishing part of your process, having templates they can use will help them work efficiently and ensure your content meets your standards.

Less time spent reviewing, editing, and approving = more peace of mind and time for other things!

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Megan Desjarlais

Meg Desjarlais, the Founder of Floating Lotus Design, is a Squarespace web designer & SEO specialist for women service providers who want a website that reflects their brand and business vision but lack the time, desire, or skills to do it themselves. Drawing upon her mindfulness training, she guides them from feeling lost and frustrated to owning an easy-to-maintain website that balances beauty and function. This transformation allows them to proudly share their online home, attract more dream clients, and replace website worries with more time to focus on the work they love.


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